
The Aves Mutation - nAv | AvAv

Aves is a unique mutation that resembles the colors and patterns seen on birds.

Previously, this mutation was only found on the Lilliput Ballator, but in 2019 it was discovered that a laboratory had been working on expanding the gene to other types via inhumane means. After the Aves Mutation had been successfully grafted to the other types, it can now be found in all Ballators thanks to the escaped lab test subjects. More info on this event can be found here: Event: The Aves Initiative.

The only Type that is restricted in any way to Aves is the Asiatic; Asiatic Stallions do not show Aves. It is thought that their large, neck-covering manes nullify the mutation in some way.

Aves can come in any possible color, but is limited to a maximum of four colors and is bound to specific areas of the body.

Basic Aves Guidlines

The central marking of Aves is the Crest, always found upon the neck. The Crest must be feather-like and outlined by the inherited horn color. Optional markings of the same color may appear on the face and body.

The second marking is the Body Mark. It Is always a different color than the Crest. At minimum expression it only appears on the neck; at maximum expression it spreads from the top of the head to the flank. Body marks can be solid or blurredSolid markings are allowed to be dotted, smooth-edged, or have semi-circular/pointed feather-like markings. Solid body marks still must be feather-shaped if they are not simple crisp edges. The body marks can also be outlined or decorated with dots or dashes of the same color.
Examples of Body Markings:
♦ Solid; Crisp Edge: No detailing, only a solid edge to the marking
♦ Solid; Dotted Edge
♦ Solid; Dashed Edge
♦ Solid; Circular Edge
♦ Solid; Pointed Edge
♦ Blurred

The last 1-2 colors are optional and known as the Decorative marks. They appear as dots, dashes, or feather-like shapes on the face, within Crest feathers, and within the body marks. Decorative marks on the body are typically trapped within the Body Mark and may not stray out of them too far.

Any face markings are confined to the cheek, brow, ears, forehead, and bridge of the nose. Aves may not cover the whole face or the mouth area.

Homozygous (AvAv) and heterozygous (nAv) Aves vary slightly in that homozygous Aves can affect the mane color. This is detailed below.
Examples of Blur Aves
Examples of Solid Aves
Examples of Homozygous Aves

Body Mark Types


Example of Blur Aves

Blurred body marks have no solid edges, but they can be outlined or decorated with solid feather-like dots and dashes. Solid and Blurred edges cannot be used together.


Example of Solid Aves

Solid body marks have crisp, clean edges that can be decorated with feather-like dots or dashes, like Blurred. Solid and Blurred edges cannot be used together.

Homozygous Aves (AvAv)

Homozygous Aves (AvAv) has the possibility to alter mane color by ‘bleeding’ into neck, chest, and shoulder manes and can extend slightly further than heterzygous Aves. This is not mandatory for Homozygous Aves.
The Aves markings must be touching the manes to affect them. Homozygous Aves is limited to parts of the face, the neck, shoulder, belly, and flank in its maximum form. It may not pass the shoulder onto the back, thighs, past the front knees, or up the hip.
Example of Homozygous Aves

Interactions with Other Mutations

Goes Above:

  • Archetain
  • Chrome
  • Dotted Sooty (nDs)
  • Dusty
  • Merle
  • Fu
  • Taffy
  • Reverse roan
  • Sunset
  • Zebroid

Interacts With:

  • Dotted Sooty (only DsDs)

Goes Below:

  • Albino
  • Arctos
  • Calva
  • Carey
  • Clownfish
  • Melanism
  • Necrosis
  • Okapi Dun
  • Oryx
  • Poecilia (Causes to be carried)
  • Rictus
  • Tuxedo
  • Wyrm

Can Go Above or Below:

  • None