Annual Wrestling & Pit Fighting

Welcome, come in, sit down! We will explain to you the ways of the infamous Wrestling matches!

Pit fighting, you say? Oh, those are the illegal ones. We’ll get to those later…

What is wrestling/pit fighting?
It’s in a Ballator’s genes (typically stallions) to fight. All Ballators crave it, especially in breeding season and even in it’s most innocent form as foals sparring, so the Equus Ballator Society (EBS) has set up an arena where annual matches can take place! Pit Fighting is a term used only for the illegal, street, and underground matches. The Equus Ballator Society highly discourages the part taking of such matters.
Tournaments are held once a year, typically in summer.


Do all my EB’s have to belong to one faction?
But once your EB is enrolled in a faction, it cannot join the other. Any EB can enter.

How to Register for EBS or the UPFA

Each Ballator is assessed for which level they fit into when you Register by sending in a note to the group titled “EBS or UPFA Registration” with a link to your initiation image. Follow the instructions below.

Wrestling and Pit Fighting require confirmed stat points in order to secure a hold in your match! All stat points earned via this section of the group must be recorded below your horse’s stat counter, along with all other gains. The Tournaments are set up in melee style.


Click here to see a Correctly Done Initiation Image.
Click the horse’s ref to see a correctly logged point system.

Draw a fullbody drawing of your Ballator (background not required, but recommended) with the starter item you will receive for free. Also include in the description an short explanation describing their fighting technique. This image will give you and additional +1 Strength +1 Intelligence and +1 Attack Strength in addition to the stats you will gain form the drawing.

If you do not want to draw a fullbody, you may draw a headshot with the starter item you will receive for free (if applicable) and write a minimum 300 word story describing their fighting technique; this will earn you +1 Strength +1 Intelligence and +1 Attack Strength in addition to the stats you will gain form the story and drawing.

The form below MUST be in your initiation image:
  • Ballator Reference: LINK to your Ballator’s Reference
  • Registered Faction: Please list either EBS or UPFA. Your Ballator must pick one.
  • Starter Item Received: Studded Shoes (EBS/UPFA) / Leather Cap/Sleeves (EBS) / Mouthgaurd (EBS)

Each horse receives a starter item for free upon registration. You can visit the EBS & UPFA Shop HERE. Current starter items are Leather Caps/sleeves, Studded Shoes, and Mouthgaurds.

Annual EBS / UPFA tournaments are spit into some different levels: Amateur, Boxer, and Luctator.

You May put these shields on your horse's references once they are approved a level!

Any Ballator who is starting out. Has between 0-80 stat points total. 

A relatively seasoned ballator. Has between 80-349 Stat points total.

A professional athlete.  Has  350+ Stat points total.

What is Attack Strength?

Attack strength is just what it sounds like. It’s how hard your Ballator can hit! 
Attack strength CANNOT be gained by drawing images; it is gained by buying items, placing and participating in Tournaments, and completing quests (not available yet).

Further Registration Information

You may register up to two horses for each Tournament. Each year a few months before the Tournament begins, a link and info on how to register will be provided.
Horses are matched together by closest amounts of HP and/or damage stats, which is explained below.

Art & Literature Requirements

Each time your horse goes on to the next round, you must draw a new image or write a minimum 1200 word story. You can collaborate with your rival if wanted. All drawings must be colored and fullbody with accurate arena depictions.
Each image must show the two horses interacting in some way. Any Serious harm to either horse must be owner-approved.

How are Tournaments Rolled?

All outcomes of battles are randomly generated, but your horse’s stats do provide some help. 
A horse’s stat point total equals the HP. The total HP of your horse is entered into our tournament roller. There are 3 main categories: Success, Defense, and Damage. 
 is the sum of Intelligence and Speed.
Defense is the sum of Stamina and Strength
Damage is the Sum of Attack Strength and Experience.
As you can see, Gaits and Dressage do not have a good foothold in wrestling and tournaments and thus are not added into the equations.
If the attacking character’s success is higher than the defending character’s defense, the attack HITS and total damage is deducted. If the attacking character’s success is equal to OR lower than the defending character’s defense, the attack MISSES and no damage is deducted. The winner is the horse who has the greatest HP at the end of the battle.

Welcome to the Equus Ballator Wrestling Society!

We pride ourselves in the quality of our arenas and the safety of our fighters is our top priority.
Arena Settings: Large, open outdoor arenas with bleachers/stands, a large TV usually is present in the center, and these arenas are able to be covered when it is hot or bad weather. Many arenas exist, so you may draw any arena you imagine. 

Hey there, stranger. Now that you're here, you can't tell anyone...

Especially those EBS rats — where our home base is. Or else.
Arena Setting: Usually airing on the medium size; many arenas held in dimly lit warehouses. Some outside arenas are present, but rare. No bleachers usually present; standing room only.

Initiation for each Faction

EBS Wrestling

Draw a fullbody drawing of your Ballator (background not required, but recommended) with the starter item you will receive for free. This image will give you and additional +1 Strength +1 Intelligence and +1 Attack Strength in addition to the stats you will gain form the drawingIf you do not want to draw a fullbody, you may draw a headshot with the starter item you will receive for free (if applicable) and write a minimum 300 word story; this will earn you  +1 Strength +1 Intelligence and +1 Attack Strength in addition to the stats you will gain form the story/drawing.

UPFA Matches

Draw a fullbody drawing of your Ballator (background not required, but recommended) with the starter item you will receive for free. This image will give you and additional +1 Strength +1 Intelligence and +1 Attack Strength in addition to the stats you will gain form the drawingIf you do not want to draw a fullbody, you may draw a headshot with the starter item you will receive for free (if applicable) and write a minimum 300 word story; this will earn you  +1 Strength +1 Intelligence and +1 Attack Strength in addition to the stats you will gain form the story/drawing.

Code of Conduct

EBS Wrestling

All Ballators will fight their own type and sex whenever possible.
Seriously injuring a fellow Ballator will result in the disqualification of the Ballator who did the harm.
** NEW** A Maximum of five items can be worn at one time by each competitor.
A horse may start out with one starter item for free.
A person can bet on two horses at a time, but never two horses who are battling each other.
If a horse is too far outmatched by it’s competitor, it can scratch from the competition.
Winning the competition is mostly based on head-butting and ramming; if a Ballator can push another over, exhaust the other, or cause a Knockout.
A Ballator must be of at least 5 years of age.

UPFA Matches

Type/gender plays no role here. An African can fight a Plains for all we care.
Serious injury or death to a competitor is smiled upon, and can award you more stats. (CANNOT occur without owner’s consent)
A horse can wear as many items as it wants.
A horse may start out with one starter item for free.
A person can bet on two horses at a time, but never two horses who are battling each other.
If a horse is too far outmatched by it’s competitor, too bad.
Winning is usually based on how close to death you can force the other Ballator to, or until they submit.
No Age limit.

Fighting Methods

EBS Wrestling

Accepted Fighting Methods

  • Ramming
  • Slamming
  • Knocking Over
  • Biting (Not on face, throat, or belly)
  • Kicking (Not on face, throat, or belly)
  • Knockouts through Head-butting
  • Striking with Studded Shoes

Prohibited Fighting Methods (If you draw/write your Ballator doing any of these, you will be disqualified)

  • Goring
  • Eviscerating
  • Excessive Biting
  • Knockouts through kicks, strikes, or other methods
  • Breaking Bones

UPFA Matches

Accepted Fighting Methods

  • Ramming
  • Slamming
  • Knocking Over
  • Biting
  • Kicking
  • Knockouts
  • Striking with/without Studded Shoes
  • Goring (Owner approval required)
  • Eviscerating (Owner approval required)
  • Breaking Bones (Owner approval required)

Prohibited Fighting Methods

  • None

After Registering with a Faction

After you Register for EBS Wresting or the UPFA Matches, a new field must be added to the reference sheet, which is below:

  • Society: EBS or UPFA
  • Initiation Image: Link to Initiation Image
  • Rank: Amateur, Boxer, or Luctator
  • Items: List all equipped items
  • Attack Strength: Total Attack Strength

If you are a premium member of DA, you can put the UPFA Pit Fighting crest (above) on your EB’s profile.

When a Ballator wins a tournament match, it will move on to the next phase of the battle melee until two final competitors exist, or if there is an odd number, the Ballator who remains last.

Wins and losses are randomly generated to keep things as fair as possible – HOWEVER a horse can up it’s odds by having more HP than it’s rivals.
Drawings must be done of the Battles, and each competition varies with how many must be done.