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herrpoliti Offline

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Joined: May 2020

Discord: herrpoliti#0906
Link to Plaque: Link

Name: Silvi de Custodem

Slots: 1. herrpoliti | ID 3144[/url] | ID 3193
2. herrpoliti | [url=https%3A%2F%2Fballatordesignadmin.deviantart.com%2Fart%2FID-3144-727246772&sa=D]ID 3144 | ID 6515
3. herrpoliti | ID 5824ID 8799
4. MistTheElf | x | x
5. gresslokID 1809 | ID 2833
6. MoxieMysteries | ID 1837 | ID 3077
7. VoydHeart | ID 2810 | ID 6182
8. Pancakebossart101 | ID 2408 | ID 2587
9. sjogress | ID 1987ID 2990
10. siIvr | ID 5696 | ID 5927

Additional Slots: 11. PROOF[/url][url=https://comments.deviantart.com/1/648557647/4278310280] | x 
12. PROOF | x | |
13. PROOF | x | |
14. PROOF | x | |
15. PROOF | x | |
16. PROOF | x | |
17. PROOF | x | |
18. PROOF | x | |
19. PROOF | x | |
20. PROOF | x | |
21. PROOF | x 
22. PROOF | x 

Trackers: Stat Tracker
Hunting Tracker

Addtional Information: Name Meaning: Guardian of the Forest
Nickname(s): Sylvi, Mint Chip, Fluffy forest shroom
Age: 18 years
Height: 17hh

Theme Song: Link
Personality: Patient | Calm | Loving | Good-humoured
He knows he is really cool, even if everyone around him is adamant that he is not. Coolness is found from within after all, so who else would know how cool he is but himself? He loves having fun, and is in many regards still a youngling at heart. Whether that is a result of not wanting to grow up, or what led to it, is hard to say. He likes skipping out on responsibility, though he is now beginning to realize that in his grown age and position that that is no longer an option. His carefree attitude has strained his relationships in the past, and is something he returns to in tough times. Even so, he has a large pool of patience that is never drained and an even bigger heart. He shares his love willingly and without fail, even if some might not deserve it. Through a good memory and lots of love, he creates lasting relationships that he takes pride in upkeeping. As such, he is very hurt by betrayals.

History: Sylvi wanted to go out and explore the world as soon as he opened his eyes to see the north Asian forest he was born into. His mother and the other mares in the herd kept him hidden, which he complained drove him crazy. He stayed with them until he was almost two, before he left to see the world. He quickly experienced why his herd had stayed hidden - the world was full of humans? Most were curious - he found he liked little kids the most.

After a few years of visiting new forests and herds, as well as sniffing around backyards and commercial farms, he found a little human that stayed with a little farm in India. Michel taught him about what humans could be - not only for ballators, but for each other. They journeyed and hunted together, and Michel eventually introduced Sylvi to their friend William and his horse Viridi Caeles. Sylvi would come to find out that Viri was really only passing time with William to find something better to do. They began a friendship where they would meet up now and again - where Sylvi eventually fell in love. It would take Viri a while to reciprocate those feelings, but she eventually found out it were more than just an innocent crush.

They journeyed together for a few years, where only a few weeks were spent apart. They saw most of Asia and Europe, as well as the north of Africa. They eventually staked out their own territory in the forests of central Asia - that is, Viri staked it out and Sylvi followed with compliments. They had their first foal, Ichigo Matcha. Viri stuck around for the first year, before she grew antsy and decided to take up pit fighting. Sylvi held down the territory and raised Matcha on his own. Viri would seek out what she needed to further her career, and stay with Sylvi and Matcha in the down season.

Matcha eventually grew up to have children of her own, and even though Veronica Sawyer was not a family person and left the herd quickly she sent her children Skinny Latte and Hyacinthe to grow up with his great-grandfather and grandmother. At the same time, Viri took a break from pit fighting as she and Sylvi had another child. She returned to pit fighting as quickly as she could, and Sylvi and Matcha helped eachother out to raise the three foals. As Skinny Latte was older, Sylvi would take him with him on shorter journeys around the surrounding forests to experience hunting and other ballator essentials. Sylvi noticed how different they were, but the current of love ran through them all the same.

Then, the pit fighting off-season came, but Viri didn't come home. Sylvi left the territory to Matcha and the yearlings, and left to search for his love. He was worried something had happened, and searched in the pit fighter environment for any trace of her. Of those who were willing to open up, nobody knew anything. He searched surrounding farms, looked for any mention of her, but none existed. She had vanished, and nobody took Viri without her say-so.

Sylvi spent a lot of time wandering around, not having the heart to go home - not really having the heart to do anything. He burrowed his sorrows where he could, and eventually turned his nose home. His and Viri's second daughter had grown up without either of her parents - he had a lot to make up for. He was still buried under a mountain of grief, but the love he had for his family helped tide him over. He had to face how his choices had hurt others, as well as how they would continue to hurt the ones he loves if he does not take steps to work it out.

He began with facing his biggest shame - namely his sister Gingko. His parents had another foal after Sylvi - though she was stillborn. Nobody knows exactly why or how it happened - but she followed Sylvi around the world as best she could. Sylvi did not want anyone to know about her, and ignored her most of the time, or running away the remaining time. She would always find him, like a compass arrow due north. It was not fair on her to build and love his own family, but ignore her - his most loyal companion over the years.

Now he is taking steps to include her more and make up for lost time with her and the rest of his family.

A family that has a missing piece, still out in the world.

Voice Claim: Mark Edward Fischbach
Sexuality: Straight
Herd: Smaller family herd consisting of him, his children and other descendants and family members. 
Beliefs: Sylvi is not really a big believer in the divine; he means that through hard work, perseverance and some luck you can stake out your own course in this life.
Companions: His ghoul companion is his full sister Gingko. 

Featured Art:
[Image: https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773...Tg24vnSABE][Image: https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773...fL_9vjOzTQ][Image: https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773...pwf5_JY7mE]
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Form submission: Create a Character Profile - by herrpoliti - 10-23-2022, 05:17 PM

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