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S00ner0rLater Offline

Posts: 0 | Threads: 0
Joined: May 2020
Discord: S00ner0rLater#8091
Link to Plaque: https://www.deviantart.com/ballatordesig...4538544699

Name: Floribus Albis

Slots: 1. Ground-Zero1 | B-402 | B-708
2. Ground-Zero1 | E-150| 078
3. Wardhighlands| 340 | 417
4. Username | Mate | Offspring
5. Username | Mate | Offspring
6. Username | Mate | Offspring
7. Username | Mate | Offspring
8. Username | Mate | Offspring
9. Username | Mate | Offspring
10. Username | Mate | Offspring
11. Username | Mate | Offspring
12. Username | Mate | Offspring
13. Username | Mate | Offspring
14. Username | Mate | Offspring
15. Username | Mate | Offspring

Additional Slots:

Trackers: Stat Tracker | Hunt Tracker | Regale's Quest | Cursus Honorum

Addtional Information: Name: Floribus Albis
Name Meaning: White Flower
Nickname: Orchid
Body Type: Warmblood
Age: 8
Height: 16hh

 P E R S O N A L I T Y 

| Thoughtful | Pure | Shy | Introverted | Passive | Sweet

Floribus Albis is full of love and deeply cares for others. Her personality is as white as her coat, she keeps to herself only to prevent others from catching feelings for her. It'd hurt her to break someone's heart. Floribus Albis tends to avoid humans and prefers to be wild and free. Floribus Albis also looks to the high lords for advice and guidance in her life and feels that they are what the world needs to be a better place.

  • Avoids humans as much as possible

  • TBD

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Form submission: Create a Character Profile - by S00ner0rLater - 03-03-2022, 03:16 AM

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