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Fade Offline

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Discord: Fade#7329
(01-03-2022, 11:10 AM)Buzzbees Wrote: Hello lovely Admins!
I come to you with some inquiries - I'd love to make a "location" for storybuilding purposes, and also because I think it would be great for my portfolio to do things like that, and I have some questions about what is allowed and what is not. 

I'd like to make a jungle/cave environment where all the lilliputs of The Order live!

Firstly since it would be on the world that the Ebs live, would I be able to make up my own Flora and Fauna, or would it all have to be real to Earth, or what exists in group?

The environment piece wouldn't have an Eb in it so wouldn't be submitted to the group, but I could get it reviewed for Lore issues if needed?

Please let me know if it's alright to create my own version of a location ! I can always do non Eb stuff for my portfolio so it's no problem if not x

many thanks, Bee

Hello! Thank you for the questions. There have been some little spoilers posted within the class and herd systems that hint at Land Health and development-- in the future there are plans for herds to have their own homesets to build, though these will be within The Charred Plains and will have to be built and tended to flourish. In the interest of spoiling things as they get released, I won't say too much more about it. Like all game updates, this will be announced when it is released.

At this time, we cannot recognize a place created outside of the canon locations, flora, and fauna as lore accurate. We have no way of correctly interpreting or policing these locations and creatures. While we encourage and are very excited to see this creativity, it is a bit beyond our scope with the current projects and small admin team we have. I would strongly advise waiting for further game development in regards to a canon homeset for your herd, should you choose for them to become an in-game herd, so you can ensure that your creation fits the guidelines laid out in order to be correctly reflected.

Of course, anything created and not submitted to the group we have no control over. If you choose to create a jungle and flora/ fauna regardless, it will not (at this time) be recognized as a location by the group, but can always be a location you have made. It may cause problems when submitting artwork/ literature if you claim it part of the Ballator mythology, but some members do depict their Ballators in different worlds, outside of the canon, and that is fine as long as it is stated.

Please let me know if there are any other questions or concerns, and I will be glad to answer them to the best of my ability!

[Image: WpSNLUy.png]
"All text centered by Fade just for your continued and incredibly personal inconvenience."

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Locations - by Buzzbees - 01-03-2022, 11:10 AM
RE: Locations - by Fade - 01-14-2022, 03:58 PM

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